Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Teething Question

My little Hallie is getting two bottom teeth.  As can be expected she has been even crankier than normal.  To remedy this we pulled out the baby Tylenol and baby ore-gel. They seemed to help the crankiness but not the clinginess. Both teeth have cut through, however, she is still cranky. My question is: How do I know if it is her teeth that are still bothering her or if she is cranky for another reason. I don't want to become accustomed to giving her Tylenol just because she is cranky. Advice?  


  1. Hi, I totally blogstalk you. I knew Ben in high school. My boys were really clingy while teething as well. I never really found a good solution for that. I hated drugging them. I usually just gave them mess before bedtime or naptime and just gave them things to chew on when they were awake. Frozen banana pieces were a favorite. Their gums were still sore for a few days until the swelling went down.

  2. Sometimes I would get a wet rag and put it in the freezer for a little while so it got cold and I would let my daughter chew on it. Also just rubbing their gums around the area helps. i tried not to give Tylenol much because it does drug them quite a bit :) This is a cool blog idea Brittany!

  3. A lot of the time they are going through teething they are also going through a growth spurt and need more naps and more food.

  4. Hey! I found your blog and saw that you just started this mom/question blog. So, I don't know how to tell if it's something other than teething or not. But, instead of using tylenol I'd recommend using teething tablets from the vitamin section, I got it from Wal-mart. It's all natural and you can't overdose. They dissolve in the child's mouth and Cade really likes the taste. So if you are worried about drugging them but want to help numb their gums, this is a good solution :)

  5. My friend Marci told me about your blog and I just have to say I LOVE it! My little guy is 5 1/2 months old and his first two teeth broke through yesterday so I've definately appreciated this post. I wish I had something to contribute but I'm thankful for all the insight of other moms!! :-)

  6. This is great! I am so grateful for the advice.

    Since your comments I put a wet cloth in the freezer and Hallie loved it! I also put some bananas in the freezer and I am on my way to walmart for the tablets. :)

    Also, debbie thanks for your insight about the growth spurt. That makes a lot of sense. I've been feeding Hallie more food and letting her sleep more. It's helped.

    Thanks girls!!

  7. For future children BEFORE they start teething, my bishop (who is a dentist) and his wife recommended that for all young young children, while they are taking a bath (or some time daily) you use a warm, wet washcloth and you rub the top of their gums in their mouth for a little while (like a little gum massage!)

    They recommended you do this from early early infancy for two reasons.

    One, it helps keep the skin on the gums softer, which makes it easier for the teeth to cut in--and! as a result, you kid is less cranky since it is less painful for them! :o)

    Two, it helps your child get used to washing their mouth, which helps with the transition to brushing teeth...when you get there :o)

    Overall, it promotes better mouth health in kids :o)

    Hope this helps! It is more of a preventative measure to keep in mind for the future, it REALLY helps the teething process hurt less :o)


Moms with Advice