Saturday, February 20, 2010

Double Stroller Recommendation

With baby #2 on the way I'm in the market for a double stroller.

Any recommendations? Any that I should stay away from?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Immediate nursing help!


She wrote "Nolen has totally just STOPPED breastfeeding as of last night. Stopped! Refuses! My boobs are large and in charge!!!! I am in discomfort and PAIN! I was not ready for this! For him to just stop! WHAT THE HECK?? We were down to 3-4 times a day of nursing... now zero?? Just like that??? NOOO!!!! I dont want to pump, because then my boobs will just produce more and more, and well if Nolen is done,what DO I DO????? OUCH!!!!"

Okay ladies let's come to her rescue!

Learning to Eat

Erin, the mother of the CUTEST little Lucy you have ever seen, needs advice when it comes to rice cereal.

Here is her question..."We've started to introduce solids to Lucy (almost 5 1/2 months now). We've tried feeding her rice cereal 4 or 5 times now and she doesn't understand how to eat it (or that it's something to eat); she just spits/drools every spoonful out of her mouth. Is there a secret to teaching babies how to eat, or is it just practice and repetition until they finally catch on?"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I need help disciplining Hallie. We first tried TIME OUT which worked wonders. My husband and I thought yeah we totally have this parenting thing down. HAHA Little did we know that it would stop working after a couple months. After that we started lightly slapping her hand when she did something bad. It didn't take long for her to start slapping her own hand and saying "No, No" to herself. As funny as it was to watch we knew that it meant it was no longer working.

So mom's what do we do now? How do you discipline a 18 month old?