Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rice Cereal?

Marci Kay asks,

"When did you all start feeding your baby rice cereal? I have a friend who just started and her baby is only 4 months, but i have read that you shouldn't until they are 6 months? What is your thoughts on this? I ask because Kyler will sleep almost 10 hours at night and i am wondering if i should when he is going so long.
Also i am wondering what you guys think about giving a bottle of formula to your breastfeed babies? I have had a few people ask if i do just so they are used to that flavor, i never thought about it, but i would like to know if any of you did, and how you felt about it."


  1. A few things from me.
    1- I dont love rice cereal. I personally used oatmeal, not constipating like rice cereal is.
    2- feeding a baby solids in my opinion is NOT fun. I say hold off until they show major interest. I started my first at about 5 1/2 months because he reached for everything on my plate all the time. I currently have a 3 month old and hope to hold him off longer. like 1 year! haha jk
    3-About formula, I really dont think it matters if you give it to them to get use to the taste unless you are planning to use it in the future and want to prepare. My 3 year old took formula or breast milk from a bottle NO problem, but my baby now wont take a bottle period! Talk about lame. I didnt mind giving him formula when it was convenient but it was pretty rare since I had so much pumped milk.

  2. Rice cereal shouldn't be rushed unless your baby isn't sleeping. If they're happy, and gaining weight, no worries. I started at 5 months with rice cereal, pureed some veggies at 6 months.

  3. My son's doctor said to start at 4 months and after a couple of weeks feeding rice cereal that you could mix in stage 1 baby foods for taste. My 1st was great at eating and loved every second of it. I started w/ rice and then moved up to oatmeal. I'll probably do the same thing for my 2nd, who will be 4 months next month. As for formula I use it when I don't have anything pumped and I'm in a hurry and aren't prepared, then formula is the way to go, so it's good to have the kid used to it, at least it is for me. But, if the ? is do you need to feed your baby formula, no. You don't need to, if you're planning on nursing until they're a year old and always being prepared w/ pumped bottles then you're fine never giving formula.

  4. I know I just commented, but this is for Brittany. I would really like to know from all the moms w/ questions how all the comments helped out or if they even did. Like is your little Hallie drinking milk now? Is is getting any better? I think there should be random posts of updates from these moms! Just a thought :)

  5. 4 months is fine to start rice cereal- not that they do much eating of it.
    If you have given your child a bottle before they will probably take formula alright, but you can't start trying to give them a bottle if you are always nursing after a couple months. Most of them wont do it. I always gave my children one bottle a day from 2 weeks on so that they would take it if I needed to go out or something. Even so, I had one that absolutely refused to take it, even though I did it every night until 8 months old when I finally gave up and started giving him a sippy cup.

  6. Marci Kay-I'm with you on the rice cereal thing {but of course we have talked about this}. Bridge man was pretty close to 5 months when he had rice cereal. I also read in my books that rice cereal {or solids for that matter} don't necessarily help them sleep through the night. {Bridge would be evidence of this since the little monkey still isn't sleeping all through}. We didn't give Bridge any other solids {beside the rice cereal} until he was 6 months old and then just took it very slowly.

    And the formula thing...he was exclusively nursed till my milk started to not to be as plentiful and I couldn'pump enough at work to supplement the bottles he was drinking. Formula saved our little hides for a bit while I was working. I didn't have to stress quite as much when I was pumping. Though my milk eventually dried up, I was grateful that he at least had been introduced to forumla and took it well. It is convenient too...I do like that part about it...not so much the cost though ha ha!!

  7. I'm with Alesha on the oatmeal instead of rice. I started feeding Hallie at 4 months and she did fine.


Moms with Advice