Sunday, May 31, 2009


To IMMUNIZE or not to IMMUNIZE that is the question? 


  1. Some of Ben's relatives are completely against immunizations because of complications that have arose in their own infants. Because of this I was hesitant to sign on the dotted line so to speak for my own little Hallie.

    I followed my feelings and decided that we would wait to immunize Hallie until she was a little bit older. It wasn't just the thought of poking my tiny newborn with a needle that made me postpone. It was the thought of injecting my newborn with small doses of bacteria/viruses. I am grateful for immunizations and realize the magnitude of the help that they have given our society, but I wanted to wait until Hallie was a little bigger and stronger. We started Hallie's immunizations when she was 6 months old.

    I'm very grateful for a pediatrician who told me it was completely up to me and never pressured me. She assured me that since Hallie didn't go to Day Care there was no rush.

  2. I am all for immunizations, and this is probably due to the fact that my Dad is a Pediatrician, but I have just learned a lot about the importance of them when I worked at his office a few years ago and from what he has advised me to do. I know many people have strong feelings against them, but all in all I think they are the best for them to have. It isn't fun to watch your babies get poked and cry, it makes me so sad, but I would much rather have a little poke then have them get a terrible disease. There was a book my Dad had at his office with pictures of all the different diseases and complications that can occur without immunizations and it just made me sick to see the little kids in the pictures that were suffering from them.

  3. Definitely IMMUNIZE!! Not only to protect your own little own, but to protect other children around you. I think it's the nurse in me that is all for immunizations.


Moms with Advice