Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Did You Know...?

That a mother's postpartum depression is directly linked to her new baby's sleep habits. 


  1. I think its also directly connected to how much sleep you (the mother) gets- hopefully some in the day! This is why mothers and mother in-laws- or anyone else who helps is so wonderful- AND ESSENTIAL- never refuse help as a new mother.

  2. I believe this one completely! With my first daughter I wasn't used to the constant lack of sleep and new schedule and man was it hard on me emotionally. Help is essential from Mother's and family members!

  3. I know this was true for me. When Hallie started sleeping on her own at night and taking naps during the day I felt like my life changed. It wasn't until I got out of the baby blues that I realized how deep in them I had been.

    Sleep, Sleep, Sleep!!!


Moms with Advice