Friday, January 6, 2012

Bladder Infection

My little girl always seems to have a bladder infection. (At least that is what I think it is). I am going to the doctor's office today but I want to know what else I can do for her besides giving her meds. Any advice you mom's have up your sleeves? Prevention and/or treatment?


  1. Get her checked for VUR - vesicoureteral reflux. They shouldn't get recurrent infections and if they have VUR and get infections it can cause permanent kidney damage. My daughter was diagnosed at 6 months because of one confirmed infection plus another possible one. She is on a daily antibiotic to prevent infections called Septra which is probably not what you want to hear but maybe check into the VUR if she is getting repeat infections.

  2. Why do you think she is has a bladder infection? There are only a few reasons a person would keep getting them. This VUR thing sounds promising. Another one would be the position of her bladder and urethra. Not much you can do about that. You need to make sure she is wiping front to back only. Also make sure she doesn't hold her urine for long amounts of time. Urinating helps wash the bacteria away. Make sure she is getting plenty to drink. That's really all you can do. Hopefully you will find that it is something else, though. Constant bladder infections and antibiotics are no good!

  3. Thanks moms! The doctor thought that she might have something termed "vaginitis"? Where the skin is really irritated around the vagina. That would be the reason it hurts when the urine touches the skin and also why it hurts randomly through out the day when she isn't going to the bathroom. She gave me a prescription for a cream and told me to place her in vinegar baths every day for a week. So far it has worked and she isn't in pain anymore. I hope we can keep it from coming back. Thanks for your advice. I will get her tested for VUR if it occurs again.

  4. My SIL's daughter got several UTIs and she found out it was due to bubble baths. Apparently they can cause them fairly regularly. Just an FYI if it's something you need to be avoiding.


Moms with Advice