Monday, August 3, 2009

Flying with a Busy Baby

After eight months Ben and I finally get to go see our families this next weekend and we couldn't be more excited. Or wait maybe we could be if.......

We knew what to do with Hallie on the plane!

We have flown with her multiple times before but that was when she was tiny and would sleep/nurse the whole flight. Now that she is an unstoppable almost one year old we are terrified. Somebody's got to have advice on how to keep her busy and happy-Help!!


  1. I have flown with my 15-month old at least a dozen times - always by myself, and it can be hard, but can be managed. The biggest thing I would recommend is trying to get your carseat on the plane. If you are flying Delta and the plane isn't very full, they will let you bring on your carseat (as long as it is aircraft rated) and you can strap it in. If not, they will gate check it for you so you wouldn't be stuck with it if it didn't work out. (Check with your airline about gate checking before you do this though!) Turns out to be a good bonus if it works, they are strapped in and in their own space that they are used to.
    The other thing I do with her when people are getting on is get a window seat and keep her occupied looking out the window at all the planes, trucks, etc. Otherwise, she sees other people walking around and she wants to get down.
    The obvious other things are bring lots of books, snacks, and favorite toys. Then, hopefully for at least part of the flight she will still take a nap for you! Good luck.

  2. Visit the link they have also discussed several of the topics you bring up. As far as traveling is concerned, they did a post or two on it and had some good suggestions, and well as a few other webpages to look at for ideas. Hope this helps!

  3. I agree about the window seat, it's nice for them to have something to look at and see. If you can get a whole bench for you guys that gives you some space to let her play a little bit. I always pack a ton of food (even a few special treats for bribes) to keep their mouthes occupied. Then I bring a few (though not many) toys - some new interesting ones and some old comforting favorites. If she is interested in watching movies at all, those help a ton too. If she can make it through three hours of church, she can make it through the plane ride!

    When you're in the terminal waiting for your flight make sure to give her lots of opportunities to move around and wiggle. We usually walk our kids up and down the corridor for as long as we can and tire them out a bit.

    Good luck!

  4. I have to say I haven't personally tried it, but on one trip Paige got sick. I was told to give her the time it was time to fly home I wasn't giving it to her because she didn't need it help her breathe anymore...but it was in my carry-on........just in case. :)

    I just read this the other day on Dr. Greene's website...."Giving your daughter something to drink can comfort her and prevent some of the eardrum stretching. This is especially important throughout descent. Giving her acetaminophen just before the flight (and repeating it every 4-6 hours) may not prevent the eardrum stretching, but it can prevent discomfort. Children who are congested or who are a bit older might benefit from an antihistamine and decongestant before the flight, but certainly talk with your doctor before giving either to a baby so young (he was refering to a 3 month-old)."

    Also, that pacifer that she seems to love recently might help.

  5. Make sure that she has something to suck on... like a sippy cup or pacifier or you could nurse her if you're comfortable (and still nursing)... during take off and landing. That way her ears won't pop.
    I am not a mom who likes to give medication to my kids unless they absolutely need it. That being said... I ALWAYS give my boys 1/2 a benedryl when we fly. It's a life saver and helps them to take a nap (which makes everyones experience better!)
    8-months is a hard age to keep busy. If she likes books--bring her favorite ones plus maybe a new one to mix it up. Same with toys and snacks! Good luck!!

  6. Well i have not had a chance to experince such a joyful occasion :) but i know when we flew to Mexico with two young babys they druged them. :) I didnt agree with it then, but if they are having such a hard time it would be nicer on them.
    I would get her one new toy to take...bring it out when she starts getting frustrated.
    Cant wait to see you!

  7. I'm not a big fan of the drugging option, but if you plan on doing that make sure you test it out before you're on the airplane. Some kids react to benedryl by becoming hyper, not sleepy.

  8. After flying with Hallie I suggest booking your flights during nap times


Moms with Advice